You're Not Supposed To Know (NSTK) is a UK-based partnership between artists Billie Ireland and Rob White. This space has been developed as a place to journey with other artists into the metaphysical and unknown. Join us and travel beyond the every day with our chosen creatives, who grapple with the mysteries of existence.
Billie Ireland
Billie is a visual artist with a practice deeply rooted in discovery, vulnerability, and the environment. She is drawn to spiritual, ritualistic and sacrificial methods of creation, often reflecting on life, motherhood, death and connection to place. She makes temporary land interventions, slow vertical format films and charcoal sculptures that reveal transformation and transience.
Billie is interested in how art might enable a new paradigm-shifting and sacred connection to carbon through anthracology or charcoal science. It is an expanding and relevant subject at a juncture with many traditions and disciplines, yet artists are often excluded from this conversation. Organic charcoal stores information on past human cultures, environments, climate, and contributes to future developments of agriculture (Terra Preta) or carbon sequestration, and biochar technology (storing carbon for the future). It fuelled humanity's rapid progress and is still essential in our technological development today.
Website www.billieireland.co.uk
Instagram @billieirelandart

Billie Ireland
Rob White
Rob’s work emanates from visions, memory and dreams, his research and exploration delve into both the physical landscape and the metaphysical realm. Expressed using digital animation, abstract painting and handcrafted objects, his body of work contemplates the fleeting nature of life, the boundaries between existence and non-existence, and the transitional spaces that exist in our journey towards mortality.
Website www.thearthole.co.uk
Instagram @thearthole

Rob White
Social Media
Twitter @nstk_art
Instagram @nstk_art
SoundCloud @nstk_art
YouTube @nstk_art